Friday 27 April 2012

Final Drafts of Film Poster and Magazine Front Cover

Here I have changed the banner to red to make it fit more with the rest of the colour scheme and introduced my main image, I have been careful not to obscure this image with the sell lines I have used. I have also straightened the film reel as when I used the slanted version, it caused the actual image to distort. There is an extra sell line in the top left hand corner to fill any blank space.

On my poster, I have played about with different fonts for the billing block until I found a more appropriate/readable one. I then straightened the billing block and downsized the website but left it in white to emphasise it's importance. I have included a new slogan as, I felt the original was too lengthy, I have then feathered this to make it appear part of the reflection, I think this is very effective and helps to link the image with the tagline.

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