Saturday 28 April 2012

Questionnaire for Focus Group

1. What genre do you believe the trailer is?

  • Comedy
  • Horror
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Action
  • Sci- Fi

2. Which gender does the trailer target at?

  • Female
  • Male
  • Both

3. What age group do you believe the target audience is for the trailer?

  • 13-19
  • 16-23
  • 15-24
  • 18-53

4. What 3 images stood out the most for you?

5. Can you reveal the basic plot of the story?

6. Who do you believe the protagonist is? (Killer/main character)

7. What are your emotions after watching the trailer?

8. Do you think the trailer reveals too much?

9. Would you go see the film in the cinema?

10. Do you think the soundtrack goes well with the shots in the trailer?

Analysis of Film Poster

The film's title is "Asphyxiate" which suggests cutting off air, possibly through drowning or suffocating. This could be either physical or psychological. The main image is a female character with her face partially obstructed by a black hood, she is reflected in water. It is multi-layered. It creates a code of enigma as to who this character is, why her face is covered and what is the significance of the water? The poster employs iconography of the horror genre, using a black and red colour scheme and a shadowy image. The film's stars are in the billing block but are however not prominent. The only star who is shown is the female and she is shown in character, her face is partly obscured and she has a blank expression but is addressing the audience with her glance. She is in a black hood. The tagline used on the poster is "The past is about to surface" this could suggest something coming back up in people's knowledge, someone coming back from the past or it could also link to the water, as in something surfacing from the depths. 
                 The credits on the poster include the names of stars, producer, director, musicians, SFX man, editors and writers. The credits could help sell the film to the audience as the producer is labeled as "exclusive". The film is offering the audience fear, and a sense of mystery through the image but also a level of exclusivity by using such a producer. The target audience appears to be mostly young females as this is who the character portrays and the majority of the stars names are female. 
                The film's USP could be that it has a "exclusive" producer but it could also be to do with the plot, in that it carries the ideas of loss of air, smothering allowing the audience to possibly feel totally consumed in the film.

Friday 27 April 2012

Final Drafts of Film Poster and Magazine Front Cover

Here I have changed the banner to red to make it fit more with the rest of the colour scheme and introduced my main image, I have been careful not to obscure this image with the sell lines I have used. I have also straightened the film reel as when I used the slanted version, it caused the actual image to distort. There is an extra sell line in the top left hand corner to fill any blank space.

On my poster, I have played about with different fonts for the billing block until I found a more appropriate/readable one. I then straightened the billing block and downsized the website but left it in white to emphasise it's importance. I have included a new slogan as, I felt the original was too lengthy, I have then feathered this to make it appear part of the reflection, I think this is very effective and helps to link the image with the tagline.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Film Magazine Cover 2nd Draft

I have added my subsidiary images and now just have to slot in my main image and possible a badge on the left side to fill space.