Sunday, 11 September 2011

Synopsis for film (559 words)

The police officer is sitting at home when he gets an urgent call, out of duty hours, telling him about about a murder case. He then arrives at the scene of the crime, it is a block of flats and the victim is a young female, who for some unknown reason he feels he recognises. He is clearly quite uneased by this, however he pulls himself together and helps collect evidence and clear up. That night he starts to think about who could have done this and starts to put himself into the scenario but quickly shakes this idea from his head. The next morning he is making himself some sandwiches for work and holding the knife in his hand, he imagines it to be covered in blood, he is thoroughly disturbed by this and hurries to work to get on with putting together the evidence he collected from the night before. After work, he heads home to rest, and falls asleep on an armchair while watching TV. In his sleep, he has a nightmare, in which he witnesses the crime he is working on from the killer's point of view, startled, he wakes up just as the knife comes down on the victim. Every day he continues to piece together the small amount of evidence left behind with little prevail and every night he dreams of the grisly case, yet each night, inside his mind he sees more and more of what happened before waking up grasping at reality. One day in work, a colleague spots something odd in one of the crime scene photos – The police officer's ring on the dresser next to the body. He thinks this is very strange but puts it down to having taken it off to snap the photos. At this point his dreams have progressed to the point of seeing the full murder of the girl, this making him gradually more and more unsettled as he is still no closer to finding a possible suspect, so his thoughts become possessed with the ideas of who it could've been. “What sort of man would do this?” “Did a man do this?” “Did a woman do this?” It becomes his very mission to find and bring to justice whoever had committed such a heinous crime. His hours spent working through evidence double and any time he is not working through it he is thinking about working through it, this, in turn, brings on a new wave of nightmares. Yet, no matter how hard he tries, it is still a complete battle to find any relevant information. Finding it difficult to stay awake one night, while yet again, thinking it over and over in his head, trying to spot anything he might of missed before, he dozes off. As always, his mind's eye is directed straight to the block of flats, but this time, it seems different. It all seems so much more real. Her screams, so much louder, the stabs, so much more forceful, he hears the killer's heartbeat as he pounds to the sink to wash the blood from his hands, and as the blood swirls down the plughole his eyes drift up towards to the mirror on the wall and he sees... his own face staring manically back at him. He wakes up screaming, drenched in sweat.

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