Wednesday 2 May 2012

Focus Group Questionnaire results.

We asked 6 people to be a part of our focus group and answer a questionnaire on our trailer:

1. All 6 of our group thought that our trailer was from the horror genre.

2. The majority of our group said that our trailer targeted both gender but one thought it specifically targeted males.

3. Three people said our target audience was 15-24, while two guessed at 13-19 and the last said 16-25.

4. The most popular key images picked out of our trailer were, the black hoods, the girl drowning and the girl being dragged across the floor.

5. Everyone in the group could describe the basic plot.

6. There were mixed opinions on who the protagonist/killer featured in our trailer was.

7. The most commonly felt emotions within the group while watching our trailer were anxiety and fear.

8. The killer was not discovered by most, suggesting that our trailer didn't give too much away but there was a comment made that it may contain too many death scenes.

9. Everyone said they would see our film after viewing our trailer.

10. Everyone said that our soundtrack worked well with our shots.

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